Appalachian New River Veterinary Associates
American Veterinary Society Of Animal Behavior (AVSAB)
Founded in 1976, the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior (AVSAB) unites veterinarians and research professionals who share an interest in both understanding animal behavior and treating behavior problems that affect the welfare of animals and the people who care for them.
AVSAB’s mission is to share accurate, science-based education and information to their membership. AVSAB also periodically publishes membership consensus position statements to share with the entire veterinary profession and to the public on common behavior controversies and practices.
AVSAB is committed to improving the quality of life of all animals and strengthening the bond between animals and their caregivers.
Regular membership is open to graduates of colleges and schools of Veterinary Medicine. Affiliate membership is open to individuals with a doctoral (PhD) degree in animal behavior or a related discipline from an accredited college or university.
As a member of AVSAB, you will join a network of colleagues working with many species including domestic animals, zoo animals, exotic pets, wildlife, livestock, and laboratory animals. AVSAB members work in private practices, at teaching hospitals, research facilities, zoos, and humane organizations.
AVSAB members enjoy:
Exclusive forum access, providing the opportunity to network and exchange information, and ask questions among board certified veterinary behaviorists, veterinarians with a special interest in behavior, veterinary students, and certified applied animal behaviorists.
Access to quarterly electronic newsletters containing behavior news, behavior case reports, listings of upcoming behavior continuing education opportunities, book reviews, behavior modification and training tips, advertisements for positions in behavioral medicine, and much more.
Animal behavior case reports
Listings of upcoming behavior continuing education opportunities
Behavior book reviews
Advertisements for positions in behavioral medicine and much more
Reduced registration fees for the annual joint AVSAB/SVBT Clinical Animal Behavior Conference, which offers members a unique educational opportunity with cutting edge lectures and hands-on live animal behavior labs. This conference provides many networking opportunities and a chance to personally interact with a wide range of professionals within the field.
Option to be listed in our online directory of practitioners offering behavior consultations
Option to be listed in the AVSAB Speakers Bureau for practitioners who are well versed in various behavior topics, and wish to speak to local Veterinary Medical Associations or at veterinary colleges with student chapters of AVSAB.
Other discounts include Wiley Books, Dogwise, VetVine Resources and NEI Membership
Regular membership is open to graduates of colleges and schools of Veterinary Medicine.
Affiliate membership is open to individuals with a doctoral (PhD) degree in animal behavior or a related discipline from an accredited college or university.